Friday, August 3, 2012

Right Now: Sabbath picnic lunch at the park

Just a quick one :) As I sit here and type I can feel the warmth of the sunshine.....Just sharing some pics with you all.

Choc-banana-crunchie cake for my sisters birthday....But she went home before we could surprise her :(

Burgers for lunch at the park. GAWSH they were yummy!

Laxing out with The Catcher and the Rye, The Book Theif and the Notebook

Hope you are well.

Big love,

Falala Mele xo


  1. happy belated birthday puyu<3
    you girls sure know how to cook! that cake looks amazeballs!
    you look really nice in red!

    1. Thanks Jiji :) it was thrifted for $2. I brought it because of the cool triangular can't really see them in this shot though. Cake was it's back to healthy choices. We wanted to do something nice for our older sister because we missed her 40th when we were away....but she left town before we could surprise her :(

    2. oh wow, i totally forgot you've kinda have a big family. by looking at the recent pictures, made me think that you have only one sis - sorry, my bad... happy belated 40th to your elder sis xx

  2. Your photography is fabulous. Do you mind me asking what camera you use?

    Also that cake looks amazing!

    1. Thank you Callie. I am truly a novice who shoots on auto most of the time *blushing* I have been meaning to learn about about my camera but I'm just so busy during the school terms....I get up at 5.,eat.pack for the next day and do it all again.

      But yes, back to the original question um I have a canon EOS camera and I also have a little olympus pen. They are my babies and my only real prized possessions :)
