Saturday, May 7, 2011

I am my Mothers daughter

Well any day that celebrates my beautiful Mother gets the thumbs up from me. She is, without a doubt; the most generous, loving and amazing person I know in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD. Where do I start? How about she gave me 7 brothers and sisters, she told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be and she worked her ass off to put me through college. But what stands out most is all the little things that she does and how selfless she really is. During the Christmas holidays I was really crippled with pain and she would sit by my side and not move until I was sound asleep and pain free. The endless heat packs and back rubs and small prayers comforted me beyond words.

I am my Mothers daughter and there's nothing else in the world that I want or need to be.

This is what she has taught me so far:

Give your best to others, and give with all your heart
Give thanks to God everyday for everything
Money comes and money goes but the Lord will always provide
Love your Father (she lost hers when she was a little girl)
Family comes first (she is always calling our family all over the world...just to keep in touch)
Singing makes you happy (she used to work in a retirement village and she would brighten the place up so much by singing and wearing flower crowns...the oldies loved her)
That I am beautiful
It doesn't matter what you do or how much money you make...all that really matters is the type of person you are. 
Help others.

What I love about her:

That she is somewhat technologically challenged (she won't touch the computer and it took her years to realise that my sister and I weren't going to break our Dad's computer by just using it)
That she creates with her hands (crocheting, embroidery, sewing, beading....she's good at it all)
The fact that I benefit from her creativity (beanies, scarves, bracelets, necklaces, pillowcases, dresses)
How selfless she is
How she laughs and poses for photos (she tries really hard when we are like "MUUUMMM smile properly!)
Her strength
Her faith
That she is my Mami
That she looks after my rabbit and tells me how he is in the letters she writes

So heres to you my dear Mother.....
Poached egg on rye with garlic spinach, mushroom and chorizo
Happy Mothers Day Gina Yeates.... you are amazing and you inspire me. I wish I could cook you breakfast....maybe next year aye...two years in a row missing Mothers Day with you is enough...I cooked this because Im imagining that Im at home having brunch with you.

Also wanted to show my love and appreciation to my other special Mothers.... Aunty Marnie...Aunty Nola and Aunty Mui....I truly feel loved like a daughter by you three. You all have helped and supported me throughout my life....things wouldn't be the same without you...Happy Mothers Day
and to my Nanna and namesake....I only remember good things about you...your kind nature and the fact that you always cooked everything from scratch. I miss you...I'm sure we'd be best friends if you were still here.


  1. I swear this post made me tear up! I miss my momma (I'm in Dallas and she's in Oregon). :-( Such a sweet tender post. I think we may be long lost relatives cause I see a lot of me in your family!! haha Maybe we are long lost cousins! YAY!! Kiah

  2. COUSINS??? I'll take that!!! Im always finding new cousins that I have never met now youre included in that....I hope you are having a wonderful day with your kids Kiah....and lucky we are to have such special Mothers xo

  3. i'm agreeing with kiah. i feel your love for your mum through your words.

  4. this is so sweet! and funny.... i swear i think my grandparents are somehow sickly related like 16th cousins lol so becareful cuandao casas!

  5. Oh Mele,

    This post was so great and so were your pictures. I think it's rad that you're so close to your mom,I love my mommy dearly too. Basically moms are the best.


  6. How beautiful and inspiring! You and your mommy are so great together! I lvoe the pretty collage too!

  7. omg!!! this post it just so sweet and as i was reading it i was wondering how fun it must be to grow up in your family with brothers and sisters!!!

    i hope we could follow each other:)

  8. Great blog Mele. Mum and I have just read it now for the first time. Much love as always, Mum n Dad. PS Will write a long reply asap.
